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Spearhead Base Detent Plug

Spearhead Base Detent Plug

Regular price $7.00 USD
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The Spearhead Base Detent Plug serves a specific function within the core barrel assembly. It is used to secure and stabilize the spearhead base or spearpoint, which is the tool located at the bottom of the inner tube of the core barrel. The spearhead base is responsible for capturing and holding the core sample during the drilling process.

The Spearhead Base Detent Plug is designed to lock the spearhead base in place within the inner tube, ensuring that it remains fixed and secure during drilling operations. This plug helps prevent the spearhead base from moving or rotating within the inner tube, which is crucial for maintaining the stability of the core sample as it is being retrieved from the subsurface.

The detent plug is typically positioned at the upper end of the spearhead base, engaging with the inner tube and effectively locking the spearhead base in position. This locking mechanism ensures that the core sample is securely held during retrieval, minimizing the risk of sample disturbance or damage.

Key Features:

  1. Robust Construction: Crafted with high-quality materials, the Spearhead Base Detent Plug ensures durability and resilience, capable of withstanding the challenging conditions of core drilling.

  2. Stability Enhancement: Engineered to provide stability, the detent plug plays a critical role in securing the spearhead base, contributing to the overall precision of core drilling operations.


  • Ideal for geological exploration, mining, and environmental investigations where stability and precision are paramount.
  • Suited for various drilling scenarios, offering adaptability to different geological formations.


  • Durability: The robust construction ensures the detent plug's longevity, providing a reliable solution for maintaining stability in diverse drilling environments.
  • Enhanced Stability: Engineered to enhance stability, the detent plug contributes to the seamless operation of your drilling system, ensuring precision in core drilling.
  • Versatile Compatibility: The detent plug is designed for compatibility with a range of drilling systems, offering flexibility in your core drilling setup.


  • The Spearhead Base Detent Plug is engineered for seamless integration with various drilling rigs, ensuring stability and precision in different core drilling systems.

Choose the Spearhead Base Detent Plug to optimize the stability and precision of your core drilling operations. Experience reliable and accurate geological exploration and core extraction, making informed decisions in diverse mining endeavors.

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PWL Core Barrel

A PWL core barrel typically comprises several key components, including an outer tube, inner tube, and a core lifter. The core lifter is a critical mechanism designed to securely hold and extract the core sample from the geological formation. The inner tube is used to collect the core sample, while the outer tube provides protection to the core sample during drilling and retrieval. PWL core barrels adhere to specific dimensions, with an inner tube diameter of approximately 3.375 inches (85.7 millimetres).

This standardized size allows PWL core barrels to be compatible with a variety of drilling equipment and systems. PWL core barrels are widely used in drilling projects related to mineral exploration, environmental studies, geotechnical investigations, and other applications that require a larger core sample for in-depth analysis.

Our Core Barrel Components

Our Core Barrel Accessories is a comprehensive collection of specialized tools and components designed to enhance and optimize the core barrel drilling process. Developed by industry experts with extensive knowledge in core sampling and exploration, these accessories offer practical solutions to overcome challenges and maximize efficiency in various geological and mining applications.

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